Florida has been great
Met new collectors and scheduled several pool commissions with the art pieces in the works!
Art Festivals
Coconut Grove | Naples National | Naples Downtown
Next Bethesda MD May 11-12 | Bay Head, NJ Art in the Park, June 23 | Montauk NY Art on the Green, June 28-30
So this is the first time I have set up a tent to hang artwork for the week-end. Okay, the tent set up and take down is really not exciting. the shows have been fabulous.
Be Present - Join me on Mary 3rd for lunch and more
How Will You Be At Peace With It?
“the only thing we know for sure is there will be changes ”
Nothing changes unless something changes.
To live the best life, the thing that changes needs to be you.
Be Present
The most crucial moment of your life is now. The beautiful moments in the past or the time in the future when you achieve your goals are not as important as right now.
Be Present in this Moment
The only moment that counts is the one you are living right now.
Join Me with being present as women to focus on ourselves as individuals and discover or rediscover ourselves.
Friday, May 3rd At Noon
Light Lunch And Discovery
series of gatherings about
connecting with women
finding new friends'
finding individual passion
knowing our unique wisdom
more gathering will be added to the calender
location to be announced - in a lovely space in Northern Ocean County!
Saltwater Women Helping Women
locatons _TBA in the northern Ocean County Area
Whether you are just beginning the waves of change, knowing your body as it changes, figuring out how to live life as an empty nester, or learning to take care of only yourself in a new way as you start this is a path for self-discovery.
This gathering is a commitment to your growth. You will examine your truths. You will be asked to dive into your soul by reflecting on past experiences and thinking about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and habits. The goal is to help you take an honest look at the life you want, help you discover what could be holding you back,k and what changes to make.
A gathering for and of women full of support, self-compassion, and forgiveness. This Journey is about gaining wisdom and confidence to embrace new skills for moving forward
Join me - The Journey of … Womens Wisdom
Join me
The Journey of …
"what’s next,"
ideals for growing older purposely
the unchartered waters of change
2024 Saltwater Gathering of Women
The ancient tripartite of Maidens, Mothers, and Crones - powerful landmarks, which profoundly influence women’s lives. The developmental task of the Crone Stage is sharing wisdom.
In Neolithic times, Crone women were the tribal matriarchs. Their heightened awareness of human nature yielded great insight and they were the source of wise counsel for important decisions. Spiritually, this is the Mastery phase. The Wise Woman teaches knowledge gained from her skills and life experience. It is a time of reaching into her spiritual depths, utilizing her powers of intuition, and finding meaning. This is a time for us a women to focus on ourselves as individuals and discover or rediscover ourselves.
Thursday, April 18th At Noon
Light Lunch And Discovery
Thursday, May 2nd At 6 PM
Project - Finding Meaning
series of gatherings about
connecting with women
finding new friends'
being there for one another
come to one or as many as you would like
$29 each
both $50
each will be different yet the inspiration similar
finding individual passion
knowing our unique wisdom
more gathering will be added to the calender
during these inaugural Saltwater Women Gatherings a we will request input and ideas
Saltwater Women Helping Women
locatons _TBA in the northern Ocean County Area
Whether you are just beginning the waves of change with menopause, figuring out how to live life as an empty nester, or learning to take care of only yourself in a new way as you start this “ of your life - this is a path for self-discovery.
This gathering is a commitment to your growth. You will examine your truths. You will be asked to dive into your soul by reflecting on past experiences and thinking about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and habits. The goal is to help you take an honest look at the life you want, help you discover what could be holding you back,k and what changes to make.
A gathering for and of women full of support, self-compassion, and forgiveness. This Journey is about gaining wisdom and confidence to embrace new skills for moving forward
It is already the third week of 2024
Happy New Year.
I imagine you are like me, thinking about who you are, what you want to do, and how to live this beautiful and only life you have! Sometimes, these thoughts are exciting, while then at other times, they can lead to sadness. I tried many things that did not work as expected; many things just came my way and made me happy.
I realize I may never be as successful, beautiful, intelligent, graceful, wealthy, playful, creative, or anything more than I am today. I may have already peaked years ago in some of those areas.
Yet today, I am a grandmother, a mother, an artist, and a partner, living by trying many ways of being. This year is unique, as each year is, yet I know that there are no do-overs. Each opportunity and phase in life comes and passes.
How do we want to live these moments? What makes us feel passionate? What makes us feel alive? How can we fill our lives with things that inspire us?
So, like many of you, I have some plans.
This February, I will do a mini art festival circuit.
Coconut Grove Art Festival - Feb 16, 17, 18, 19
Naples National - Feb 23, 24, 25
Then, I will continue with a few shows closer to home such as Bay Head’s Art in the Park, June 23 . I'll update you with those as they confirm.
Of course - I'll find myself in the water - want to join me
with friends and grandchild
in the pool and ocean
Doing an find your inspired living workshop - contact me to sign up
Guiding women to see how beautiful they are in heated pools
Making Art with those images
kayaking & paddleboarding in the bay
love you to come along
may even have an extra kayak to loan to you
Enjoy this beautiful winter weather,
love, Susan