“ the cure for everything is salt water” ~ Baroness Karen Christenze von Blixen-Finecke (1885 -1962)
Susan J Roche, artist | Commissions | Consulting | 732.703.2752
‘Grace’ working with Shoana
There was a point in my life where my measurements were 34-22-34. Yup. A very long time ago. Never going to happen again. And yes, I have beaten myself up about the fact that I will never have that body again many times. But in the meantime, I have lived. I have lived a pretty good life. I married a great guy. God gave me an amazing son and I have been so fortunate to have front row seats to witness his journey so far and hope I am here to witness so much more.
We are living in a very strange time. Media has completely taken over our lives. “Optics” have, unfortunately, become the ultimate obsession and priority for most people. It’s sad really. And whether most of us want to admit it or not, we’re all guilty of caring about what other people think of what we look like, what we think and what we do. We struggle with just being. Just being.
Artificial intelligence is the new wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. It’s infectious, it’s contagious, it’s seductive, it’s a shape shifter. Be careful my friends. We’re getting dangerously close to losing perspective on what is real and what is not. We love the ability to use filters and change the way we look in photographs. We love making ourselves into Avatars, cartoons, pencil sketches, and more times than ever - THINNER.
Recently I participated in a photo shoot with the very talented Susan Roche. She specializes in photographing underwater – nature’s filter, or as I like to call it, nature’s embrace. I don’t think there’s anywhere that I’m happier than when I’m in the water and sun. If I could live in the ocean, I would.
This was one of the most inspiring experiences. I got to swim around in a beautiful 90-degree saltwater pool, overlooking the Barnegat Bay. I swam and danced around with gorgeous blue and white chiffon fabric as the sun was setting. It was so fun. I felt like a little girl dancing around with a tutu. Everything was perfect – the air, the water, the light. A symphony for the senses. As a water sign, it was truly my happy place. But the best part – was the outcome – the photos. When Susan showed me the shots that she got, I couldn’t believe it. That’s me? I actually felt beautiful. Middle-aged, not-so-skinny – me. Yes – I look full. But I don’t mind. This is me, now. My “measurements” are far from 34-22-34, but I don’t care. That fullness represents the life I have lived – FULL of wisdom, full of experience, full of all of the pain and beauty that the universe has bestowed upon me. And the good thing is, I’m not done yet.”
Thank you Susan for this incredible and empowering experience.