love to see you

Summer has officially begun!.

Three great ‘saltwater’ events with one the launch of local summer fine art show series. Your invited, please come.

Artist Talk 6/2, 6 - 8 pm current show - July 5th - Oyster Point Walls, 146 Bodman Place, Red Bank, NJ | Enjoy some cheese and crackers, and the magnificient Oyster Point Hotel with stunning Navisink River views (the Oyster Point bar will be open). The hotels curator Ellen Martin & I will both be on hand to talk about my work, the process and best ways to display art. It would be great to see and will be lots of fun.

June 2 & 3 with cocktail reception Saturday 6/3 from 5:30-7, 625 Arnold Ave., Point Pleasant Beach. This charming space of Home Run parties is our pop-up gallery. Saturday with delicious Hors d'oeuvres crafteded by Patti at the She Shed PPB . Our newest works, heading to the international Hampton FIne Art Show will be there along the ocean and its sometimes inhabitants.. This is the first of several pop-up art show in a series this summer!

Sirens and the Sea | Grenville Hotel - June 8, 6-8 pm cocktail reception - 345 Main Ave. Bay Head, NJ . The show, hung on the first and forth floors, is magnificent running until the end of September. The first floor dining room and hallways is the perfect locaions for stunning underwater portraits and ethereal sea scapes.

Susan J Roche fine art

Encaustic Mixed Media artist who work begins underwater

“ the cure for everything is salt water” Isak Dinesen - is one of her favorite quotes

Roche’s art features underwater figurative

Tonight 6pm at the Grenville, Bay Head, opening cocktail reception, please come.


1st place winner | photography catagory | Point Beach Art Show 2023