So excited to share some news. First, in August another grandson arrived; he is my son and his wife’s first child and my fifth grandchild; how lucky am I! BTW, he is as aboslutely adorable as can be.
Saltwater at the Grenville, 345 Main Street, Bay Head, New Jersey
Stop by the Grenville Hotel, to purchase Saltwater Fine Art. Adoring the historic hotels walls with easy to purchase QR codes, you can use your phone. Work ranges in price starting at $100+. Adorer home or give as lovely gifts plus it is a great place for lunch Open daily (call ahead - off season - make sure lunch is available that day) 732-892-3100.
next up
November 18 t0 December 3, 2023 The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences, 120 Long Beach Blvd, Loveladies, NJ. This show has several artists (I will not be there each day) it is just a good place with good people and visiting LBI is always lovely!
first major gallery representation
December 6-10, 2023, Artblend Gallery - Miami Art Week at Red Dot Art Fair, Art Basel, Mana Wynwood Convention Center, 318 NW 23rd St, Miami, Florida
February 23-25, 2024 - Coconut Grove Arts Festival - 60th annual festival, 2700 S. Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida, located just south of downtown Miami, adjacent to beautiful Biscayne Bay.
February 17-19, 2024 Naples National Art Fair , 45th Annual in Naples Florida
These shows are top tier major out door fine art festivals with over thousands of artist applying for 200-250 spaces in each show. It is quite an honor. To be honest, applied to Coconut Grove back in 2019 and was not invited so I smiled for days with this acceptance,
Most importantly, I am hoping the next few day will be beautfiul and maybe spooky for you!
The Skeleton Parade
The skeletons are out tonight,
they march about the street,
With bony bodies, bony heads
and bony hands and feet. Bony bony bony bones with nothing in between, Up and down and all around they march on Halloween.
- Jack Prelutsky