Raining iat the shore so Come to the Hamptons FIne Art Fair
My Booth 414a
in the emerging artist tent
So you will pass by the Rothchilds, Jackson Pollachs, Andy Walhols, van Goghs, Picassos, Norman Rockwells, Motherwells, Katz…
then head to the final tent, you find me.
The Hamptons Fine Art Fair opening at noon - 8 pm today, noon to 6 Sat. and Sun.
Todays special events are…
12:15-1pm Expert-led guided tour of the fair with docent Gene Seidman (meet in lobby at the Heroines of Abstract Expressionism booth 102). Register here.
4-4:30pm - Presentation topic: “The French Influence on Watchmaking and Jewelry Design,” Roman Scharf, Founder/CEO, Luxury Bazaar. In Luxury Bazaar booth 107.
5-8pm - Mid-Summer Bastille Day Tea Dance & LGBTQ+ Fundraiser
Benefits Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer Foundation
With Host Committee Judith Kasen-Windsor, Jean Shafiroff, Julie Ratner, Vicki Schneps, Rebecca Seawright, Aisha Christian, Robin Brown, Elton Ilrjana and Ira Rogers. Featuring dancing to DJ Karin Ward, with blue chip silent auction. VIP Krasner Café. Separate admission. For more information and tickets click here.
5-5:45pm - Expert-led guided tour of the fair with docent Gene Seidman (meet in lobby at the Heroines of Abstract Expressionism booth 102). Register here.
6-7pm - Reception at Shapero Modern booth with discussion & toast with French Rosé. Exhibit open during show hours. Read more.