Inspired by being yourself

Just be yourself let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are
— Mandy Hale

So list some of the most real, imperfect and magical things about you!

I have very expensive camera equipment; I take great care of my things. I will let a child I am working with help me take photographs or my six year old grand daughter use my equipment because that trust given helps them to become someone who deserves to be trusted. This is given to those I know well and those who just pass through my life.

Susan J roche underwater photographer of people
Susan J Roche fine art

Encaustic Mixed Media artist who work begins underwater

“ the cure for everything is salt water” Isak Dinesen - is one of her favorite quotes

Roche’s art features underwater figurative

inspired - what does amazing look like


Inspired to be a risk take taker