nurturing the artist
to be creative in any pursuit means taking care of oneself
make sure you find the time to do what is best for your it could be.
morning tea
sacred circles
bird watching
listening to music
star gazing
oracle cards
listening the the ocean
being in nature
watching waves, boats, birds
underwater portraiture workshop for photographers June 10th & 11th
Underwater Portraits - Small Group Hands-On Learning Experience
Register early so we can book your stay at the Jersey Shore, walking distance to the beach, at the charming Grenville hotel.
You learn Susan’s techniques, lighting, posing and wardrobe along with editing, ways Susan markets and what she sells. We will photograph real people (not underwater models) in three different pools - private shallow heated salt water pool, on location in a clients back yard pool and in an indoor swim club pool.
Friday, June 10th and 11th
Includes welcome breakfast, lunch, evening dining at the shore, brunch and overnight lodging - Only four spaces left.
Welcome arrival at 9:30 - 10 am Friday morning with a light breakfast and education seminar learning equipment and preparing for underwater shoots. Complete a day of with two hands underwater photo shoots workshop and editing creating your personal style. This goal to learn able how to control the uncontrollable working in a variety of situations. Then an evening out at a scrumptious Jersey Shore Restaurant! Then Saturday sunrise beach photo session followed with underwater heated shallow pool shoot, and finish up with a late brunch review of the information. Then the afternoon to visit our beach town, local shops or hit the beach .
Included: fun and passion first and foremost
Underwater Housing units rental for your camera
Cameras with housing units for you to try out
loading your camera into housing and water checking
underwater people to photograph with a wardrobe selection
Refreshments & Snacks
delicious meals
Friday night lodgings
Your will bring - Your Enthusiasm and Passion
Bathing suit with long shelve SPV sun shirts
Memory cards
Notepads and pen
Laptop with editing software
We will have a great day, lots of learning and fun! You’ll see how I work as you begin to develop your personal style.
Images taken with your camera may be used in your own portfolio (website and online) only.
You do not need to have any experience or have tons, with a small group, this is completely about inspiring young your work!
for more information about Fine Art Underwater and photographers mentoring visit
What is an Underwater Mini Marathon
So what exactly is an underwater mini marathon?
a fun way to try out and have underwater photoshoot several times
With a small group, we take turns.
dockside do some movement techniques
each participant has a individual pool practice mini shoot
others may help with clothing or holding materials, etc or change wardrobe
after the practice shoot there is another photo shoot
It’s super fun!
Underwater Mini Marathon | One day only | Sunday afternoon May 22, 2022
underwater movement coaching
mini training then second shoot
two digital images
regular prices $990
Schedule today!! Call to schedule 732-732-2752
indoor pool at the Toms River Aquatic Center
Such an interesting subject.
As an creator, as a women, as a business person.
My life’s journey has been about feeling worthy, self worth, being good enough.
There was a time I thought it was just me who felt this way so I read. I still love reading.
Self improvement (remember I’m OK, Your OK - I was just a kid reading that)
A lot of my life has been spent in search of being worthy. Gone to retreats, seminars and schools in the pursuit of becoming better, more, being ‘worthy.’
My photography career began at eighteen doing self portraits… my flaws could be hidden in an image. I see our world teaching kids to pretend who they are now with a false show of who they think the world accepts them in images.
Over the years my career had been to help people see themselves as worthy.
I have thought many times about teaching; portraiture, overcoming life’s challenging, picking oneself back up after disasters - personal or natural. Then I would wonder if I was successful enough to teach professional photographers about being more, was I worthy enough to try to do so. I have really not taught yet.
Completed six full decades of living. Now it is known that it is the voice, the one heard when looking in the mirror or even sometimes just upon waking up, that may sound like a parent or teacher or coach or sibling or significant other or ex or someone else from my past, yet is truly just my own. This is the one who has decided or questions if I am worthy. This form of verbal abusive came without anyone else ever involved.
Is this what an artist needs to learn about or talk about, what a business person may need to discuss, is this what women need to talk about, is this what lots of people could understand, is this the subject to write and talk about? How does ‘worthy’ affect us a women, creators, business owners?
Would you share your story with me? Would you tell me if this is an idea others would like to explore? Would you want to help one another with feeling ‘worthy’? Do you believe that feeling worthy would change your world, your finances, your relationships?
Would you be interested in a group of women help one another with self worth being ‘worthy’? Is so, email me
So write to tell me your story, your thoughts, is s this something other women would like to explore?
I would like to wake up and think I am just good to go all the time whatever my size, and value myself, my worth by my passion for creating, living and being every day. How about you?
underwater photo shoot
Underwater photo shoot
the water
you never know what to expect
it is creative, almost unbelievable
water is baptism, biblical, mystical
we all know what comes out of the water blows our minds all the time