be inspired by taking care of yourself
One of the most supportive things we can do for ourselves is to open to receiving what we want, need and deserve. We are often good at giving but struggle with allowing ourselves to get what we need.
One of the most supportive things we can do for ourselves is to open to receiving what we want, need and deserve. We are often good at giving but struggle with allowing ourselves to get what we need.
There are mornings that the best thing to do is to remember all the things I am grateful for.
Be gentle as you gain the confidences to accept from others. I tend to be a giving; seeing what others need and wanting to step in.
I am not sure if this was just a my nature tor that I was raise as the middle daughter with four brothers and three sister. Growing up I was asked help, to give up thing I had to bring calmness such as my doll to a a sibling crying. I babysat at home, for neighbors, trying to be what they all needed me to be. Still at 59, I need to remind myself about my needs and that it is okay to take care of them first.
My office in the winter is in one the upstairs bedroom in the house I turned into my office, studio and gallery. This house is mine, one that I had once held many dreams. The year after I purchased the house, SuperStorm Sandy ruined it. Initially after the storm I tried so hard to repair and complete it but, it took way longer than I thought. During the time, life changed, as it always does. Now the house is home to my workspace. This is taking care of what I need at this time… a peaceful beautiful place to create in.
From my desk, I can see the Barnegat Bay in Point Plesant, NJ and the Mantoloking Bridge. This morning it s dreary outside, raining mist, cold with a fog softening the bridge view. There a telephone poles and power line but what I see it the beauty.
Is this ‘rose colored glasses?’
I have often heard that I need to be ‘realistic.’ My dreams, my hopes even my business has been part of those criticism.
“All the time you spend on taking pictures, on the computer, on marketing it - you could make more doing something else.”
“You charge too much for your work, I cannot afford your services.”
These comments hurt in the past yet they only came from those who did not understand. Possibly it was also I did n to understand either. It takes a knowledge of yourself as an artist to see your value and to know this value will be
My work is for those who do, my life is about seeing past the ugly and finding the beauty. This is living a joyful, inspired life to me.The spent years developing my skills, has been important to the development, giving art the time. I understand when working with others what time we need to create and then charge accordingly.
One of the important aspects to my life is spending more of my time seeing beauty.
My work is always evolving, there are certainly certain themes
Breathe... remembering to breathe even when we do even think we are stressed
People forget to breath, especially when tense or in crisis
One of the best ways to allow our feelings, our authentic self, to emerge is breathe into them. Deep breathing helps us in several ways; physically if helps cleanses us by giving our body life giving fresh rejuevenating oxygen.
Deep breathing allows feelings to come into awareness, connects us to the flow of God’s universe and anchors us with a sense of calm. Often when we are tense or in crisis we literally forget to breathe which puts us into attempting to cope without vital oxygen!
allow your breathe to go in you nose
then out through your mouth
you can do this anywhere
deep breath for a few minutes
Guarantees to improve things!
preparing to start - inspired - artist, photographer, doula
What do you feel you are on the verge of…… write it down
January is quickly moving by, changes are in the air
addition of Milk Bath portraits
plus becoming certified as a ProDoula
Change is growth and we never know for sure where it will lead us.
Readjustments in my business this year…
In April, the decision was made to remotely have my wonderful friend, artist Elsa Mikus Tempest in a Teapot (she once shared my commercial space) pack and handle the details of moving out of the Bay Head, NJ studio, gallery and store. It was uncomfortable & the right choice. This space had been the fulfillment of years working towards a dream. I was in Florida social distancing, maybe not being there made it easier!
After a few months, found my way again. Using a house exclusively as my work space, not as a home, offered new creativity along with a way to work in a healthy environment. Offering just a limited number of photo sessions; in many ways it was going back to my roots. I started my home based business as new mom over 36 years ago! So along with family, maternity, newborn and underwater portraits…
Milk bath portraits
We offer several photo session options beginning at just $250. Sessions are spaced with care and giving every client privacy with social distancing. This a way to pamper yourself while creating a gift for someone special
Milk Bath Portraits are stunning.
Perfect for women of all ages
young women
women with life experiences
it is personal
the past few months
The spacing of clients sessions with social distancing care for maternity & newborn sessions - I realized something
I was one of the few special people involved with my families, helping them in a unique way!
It was my oldest daughter, a NICU nurse, who suggested I consider becoming a postpartum doula..
I took the ProDoula certification course, already had CPR certification!
So portrait photographer and doula., Life can be exciting, open to new ideas and possibilities especially when you allow yourself to be yourself.
Jersey Shore Doula Services
This services, for now, is combined with Susan J Roche fine art portraits. This feels authentic for the time being. As the services grows, it may change. My thoughts right now is to create a wonderful way to help mothers.
Eventual we may, as more know about JSDS, we may add additional doulas. With two RN’s available via phone as added support, our goal is to provide an enriching business for moms, families and doulas!
inspired - what does amazing look like
write down ways being amazing looks like in your own life
Then think about ways for you to embrace being your definition of
Inspired by being yourself
So list some of the most real, imperfect and magical things about you!
I have very expensive camera equipment; I take great care of my things. I will let a child I am working with help me take photographs or my six year old grand daughter use my equipment because that trust given helps them to become someone who deserves to be trusted. This is given to those I know well and those who just pass through my life.