Over 100 years ago | Susan J Roche empowering yourself

102 years ago the Spanish Flu Pandemic happened

According to the CDC, about one-third of the world’s population was infected by the Spanish flu, leading to at least 50 million deaths worldwide. People suffered in many ways including loss, grief, and isolation.

How do we learn from history? What can we do to now?

Susan J Roche (Cape Coral, Florida) women’s underwater portrait photographer. This experience allows women to see themselves in a new light, to change limiting thinking into one of new possibilities and adventure

We find ways to give ourselves moments that embrace who we are while caring for ourselves and our families. This enables us a perspective that change is possible, where one can find joy and inspiration.

Taking positive steps, even small ones, helps the ability to affect others, creates ways to express happiness and sense of motivation even during difficult times. 

It starts resiliency

This begins on a personal level

Find hope during uncertainty. While there may be moments we cannot control, knowing you are not alone and that your thoughts can lead to change is important.

Most Important

It’s imperative to take care yourself

Find ways of thinking especially when the news leans towards overwhelming feelings. Do and be around people (following safe guidelines) that inspire. You can do this in creative ways. It could be just reading someones words and thoughts. You can also reach to others via phone or online. This will help your personal self talk become one that is good for you and for others.

Uplift, renew and rejuvenate yourself through experiences is important

It is not always easy to navigate this time of uncertainty, finding ways to empower oneself and those you love is essential.  Supporting yourself in creative ways is mandatory. Try new things and remember to do simple activities - go outside, be in nature, listen to birds or the wind, find water (large bodies or even a puddle) paint, garden, cook, walk, sit in the sun, dream, read, learn a new language even if there is no one to speak with, it does not matter what you do. Just do something that makes you feel! Even if you believe you are not ‘good’ at it, the idea is to find pleasure in small ways.

Jersey shore underwater portrait photographer Susan J Roche photographs newborns

Remember, there are others who are having similar experiences. The stay at home order earlier this year and this time afterwards has had an effect on many people.

At 59 years old, minimizing risks is my responsibility. My adult daughters ( both nurses) remind me of my age vulnerability. Even though it feels like just yesterday I was a teenage, I am not. I have a new grand baby to see. It is essential to use thoughtful care with who and where I go for my own health, the health of those I love and those who work with me. We need to use our time wisely.

Our greatest asset right now is our power of acceptance.

Use your ability to focus thoughts of goodness

To know who we are, remember who we always have been and move into the future with hope and confidence

Perhaps the greatest lesson we may learn from this crisis is simply having the courage of conviction while doing things to keep our thoughts exceptional. Perspective is the key, and so is sincerity.

Find your passion, live in ways that fulfill you, only be around others who are living with safe health practices and are uplifting, keep your spirits high and most importantly, feel happiness, peace and contentment.

Susan J Roche empowering women underwater
my passion

my passion

Susan J Roche underwater portrait photographer

Susan J Roche, as a daughter, sister, mother, wife, partner, grandmother, artist, photographer, & friend - my journey has been always been about learning to live my life as the woman I am not the woman others would like to be. At times, it has been challenging but it is my one and only precious life.

Susan J Roche fine art

Encaustic Mixed Media artist who work begins underwater

“ the cure for everything is salt water” Isak Dinesen - is one of her favorite quotes

Roche’s art features underwater figurative


Symptoms of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity | learning to be healthier


“It’s a good thing you’re old or people would think you’re pregnant” | Susan J Roche underwater portrait photography